Overview Dashboard

The Overview Dashboard shows usage across your Adopt Supported Applications. Use the Filtering to focus on a specific Domain or Time Period for analysis. The Key Insights section gives you simple to access Insights about your DAP.

Adopt Supported Systems

What it shows: Where Adopt is enabled using the Page Loaded Event Data. The System Names are defined by the Adopt Platform and the Domain Names are detected using the URL captured in the events data.

How it’s used: Use this section to understand how many users have accessed these applications (over the selected time period) and what % have been Targeted by the Adopt platform e.g. one of the Adopt Modules has been loaded to the page ready for them to view. This will also show what % of the Targeted Users have also Interacted with the Adopt Interventions.

Common Question: This won’t always be 100% as we may have users who have visited the application so we recorded an event, but no Adopt Module was either targeted for them (because of Role, Language, Location OR the System Page they landed on wasn’t Targeted with anything) OR the user visited the page but NO Adopt Loading Event was recorded (this could be an infrastructure issue or the user left the page too quickly and before Adopt loaded).

User Profiling

What it shows: This chart shows the % of Users split by the available Profile Data within Adopt. Role, Language and Location (from the Adopt platform) and Browser, Country & Operating System (from the Browser and user IP Address).

How it’s used: This data can be used to understand the distribution of users that have an enabled extension for a given System (over the selected time period).

Common Question: Why I am seeing users with a Role of X, we don’t pass that Role to you anymore. The answer is Analytics is a historic view of what has happened, therefore we capture the data as it was at the time and so this is expected. If we previously classified someone as Role X and now as Role Y and the report date period crosses this change, they may naturally appear twice in this chart under both Roles.

Key Insights

Overview of Adopt Targeting

  • This view shows a list of all System Pages where we have seen an Adopt Loading Event in the selected time period. It is ranked by the highest Number of Users we have seen by System Page

  • It can be used to understand where the Adopt Application was targeted for the selected time period

Overview of Adopt Usage

  • This view shows a list of all Interventions which have had an Adopt Viewing Event in the selected time period. It is ranked by the highest Number of Adopt View we have seen by Intervention

  • It can be used to understand what content is most frequently being consumed

Pages without Targeting

  • This view shows all System Pages that have NOT had an Adopt Loading Event in the selected time period. It is ranked by the highest Number of Users we have seen by System Page

  • It can be used to determine which System Pages have high user numbers (or high durations) but there is no targeted content supporting users

Recently Updated Content

  • This view shows any Intervention that has an Updated Date in the selected time period

Pages with Usage Change

  • This view shows any System Pages which have seen a change in the Number of Users vs. the Previous Period of +/- 20%. e.g. if you selected Last 100 Days, then we would be comparing the Number of Users between 101-200 Days ago vs. 1-100 Days expressed as a % change

Content with Usage Change

  • As above but relating to Interventions and using Adopt Views rather than User Numbers

Targeted Content with No Views

  • This view will show any Content that is currently showing as Targeted in the configuration data (e.g. it is published and mapped to a System Page), but in the time period selected has No Adopt Views

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