Playlists FAQ

Will the product handle authentication with Media hosted within SharePoint via Office 365?

Not fully, if the user has a valid token for Office 365 then they will be able to view the Media within the configured Overlay. However, If the user has not authenticated, Office 365 will show a message similar to the image on the right, once the user has authenticated, they will be able to view the media.

Are there any pre-requisites for media included within a Playlist?

The URL that is used by Adopt must be capable of being embedded within an iframe. Depending on the security restrictions of the host site, this may not be possible in all cases. You will find that most of the common video hosting platforms provide embed code (like the SharePoint example on previous page). As an alternative, the Link Overlay will launch the URL within a new tab.

Is there no option to upload Media content to Adopt 2.0 for use within Playlists?

Feedback from our customers has indicated that hosting Media content within Adopt can lead to duplication of administration effort to manage, when ordinarily the content will already be hosted within the organizations existing environment. Playlists 2.0 is the first of several integration updates that will connect Adopt to an organizations existing knowledge repositories.

Last updated