Using Step Properties

Adopt guides users step-by-step on their journey throughout the application. You can change each of these steps in a variety of ways using Step Properties. There are four step property options that you can change: Content, Appearance, Position and Triggers.

Note: You must have already created a guide and added steps in order to access step properties.


  1. Sign in to the Console Management with your credentials

  2. Click on the name of the application you want to work on

  3. Click Guides from the menu pane on the left

  4. Click Open in Editor for the guide that you want to access the step properties of

  1. Hover your mouse over the step you want to access and click the gear icon to open Step Properties

Content tab

Within Step Properties, select the Content tab. From here, you can add content which your users will see. We recommend keeping the content brief and informative.

You can add rich text, special characters, links to other relevant pages, images, audios, or videos that can be displayed to the users when they interact with the step.

You can also set up a sound to be played, or have the text read out loud via text to speech when the user interacts with the step.

Appearance tab

Within Step Properties, select the Appearance tab. From here, you can modify the appearance of the step.

You can change the step’s appearance, animations, shadow, border, user interaction limitations, visibility, and the layout of the step.

Position tab

Within Step Properties, select the Position tab.

If you have a preferred position of the step bubble you can define it here.

If your preferred position can not be shown due to space constraints, Adopt would place it in the most suitable position in a clockwise direction.

Reselect allows you to change the element that is associated with the step in the application. The Preview button allows you to preview the step’s element position exactly as a user would see it. You can reposition it by clicking on Reselect if needed.

Triggers tab

Within Step Properties, select the Triggers tab.

You can individually define the trigger parameters for both the starting and completion of the step. These parameters change the step’s behavior depending on what the user is expected to do, so the next step can be triggered.

Last updated