Targeting System Pages

This document introduces System Pages functionality available within the Editor. System Pages ensure that guidance appears only in the required areas of your SaaS applications.

Feature Compatibility

Refer to the table below to understand where this feature is configured. Guide Level targeting is utilised to publish the Tour or Playlists to Context Help or Journey Tracker.


System Page targeting can be used within 2 areas of Tour configuration:

  1. Guide Settings – Set the System Page(s) where the Tour should be available via Context Help.

  2. Step Position – When creating a new step, during the element selection process the editor will also assign a System Page mapping. If no System Page mapping was detected, then either:

    • Search manually for the System Page

    • Contact our Support team, who will add the System Page as required.

When editing an existing step, the current System Page Mappings will not be altered. To change the mapping, you can select manually from the list within the Position tab.


System Page targeting is configured only at the Guide level. Assigning the Playlist to the required System Pages, controls where the Playlist is available in Context Help.


System Page targeting is configured at the individual Tooltip level, when creating a new Tooltip, during the element selection process, the editor will assign the related System Page mapping. If no System Page mapping was detected, then either:

- Search manually for the System Page

- Contact our Support team, who will add the System Page as required.

Last updated