Configuring Guide rules

Adopt Guide rules can be configured either within the Editor or Management Console, they provide personalized guides to users if the rules are set up correctly. For instance, you can create a rule if a user has already seen or completed a guide, then the guide will not be shown to them. This will decrease the possibility of being bothered by redundant and repetitive content.

The most common rules you can set up for your users are detailed below;

Do not start automatically

This rule is required if you only want the Guide to be launched via the Context Help panel. Without this rule, your guide will launch automatically based on page/element/trigger detection.

The user has not seen the guide

When you set this rule, the guide will be shown only on the user’s first login to the application. The guide will not be shown again after the first visit when Adopt determines the user has seen it already.

The user has not yet completed the guide

When you set this rule, the guide will only appear to those who haven't yet completed it.

The number of times the user has seen the guide

With this option, you can stop displaying the guides after a certain number of times the user has seen the guides.

The number of times the user has closed or completed the guide

As some users prefer not to use guides and close them, you can define a number here, after which the guides will not be displayed. Adopt would still track them down.

The user faces the guide

Schedule your guides to only be visible before, after or on a specific date. This allows guides to only be available at dates within the organizations calendar (eg: End of quarter objectives).

The number of times the user has visited

With this option, you can stop or start displaying the guides after the same user does a certain number of visits. Adopt will read the user’s digital footprints, follow their progress, and stop guiding them. You can as well use;

• ... is more than (or is not less than) which will start showing the guide after a certain number of visits. • ... is less than (or is not more than) which will stop showing a guide after a certain number of visits. • ... is exactly - which will display the guide on the specific visit. • ... is not exactly - which will display the guide all the time except on a specific visit.

The user has seen the related guide

You can use this option if you would like some guides’ display to be conditional and depend on other guides’ visibility. This rule forces the user to at least see the guide but does not force them to complete it until the end.

The user has completed a related guide

You may choose to make it so that some guides’ display is conditional and dependent on the completion of others. You may have guides created for different levels. It normally isn't the best idea to make all the guides available to everyone. We aim to incrementally build up knowledge. To accomplish this, you can use this rule to sequence the guides from basic to more advanced, where a user needs to finish one guide before moving up to a higher level.

Note: You can create many rules and tie them to action. However, for that action to happen and be available to your users; all the combined rules need to be fulfilled. So the rules are tied to each other with AND not OR operators.

Last updated