Using Journey Tracker

Journey Tracker aids system users or visitors by providing an easy visualization of the steps they have completed. Users can get easily puzzled and frustrated when they do not know how far away the end of the task is, so the Journey Tracker provides encouragement as users can see their progress during a dynamic process.

The Journey Tracker indicates progress along a user’s application journey, and encourages them to continue by providing a visual indication of the progress made and the number of tasks yet to be completed. This feature itself improves user engagement, reduces anxiety, and increases your application’s conversion rate.

Enabling Journey Tracker

  1. Sign in to the Management Console with your credentials

  2. Click on the name of the Space you want to work on

  3. Click Guides from the menu pane on the left

  4. Click Open in Editor for the guide where you want to turn the Journey Tracker on

5. Open Guide Settings

  1. Click on the Track tab

  2. Select the box next to Track to turn on the Journey Tracker

Displaying the Journey Tracker as a Separate Widget Beside the Adopt Context Help

Once you have turned on the Journey Tracker in the Guide Settings, you can Save at this point. However, if you save your settings and don’t select the Embed in Context Help box, the Journey Tracker will be visible to the users as a separate widget beside the Context Help, and will disappear when the Journey is completed.

Embeding Journey Tracker into Context Help

If you would like the Journey Tracker to be included in Adopt Context Help instead of a separate widget, select the Embed in Context Help box.

As the user progresses through the guides, the completion rate inside Context Help will adjust accordingly.

Note: The default behavior for completed guides in Journey Tracker is that they are marked as complete and disappear from Context Help. However, this can be changed in the Adopt console if you would like to give users the option to restart the completed guides.

Note: Journey Tracker cannot be restarted in the Adopt console; only the default behavior can be changed.

Setting up the Journey Tracker

Once you have turned on the Journey Tracker in the Guide Settings and chosen either a separate widget or embedding in Context Help:

  1. Provide an appropriate Title which will be visible to the end users

  2. Choose an appropriate identifier from the Journey tracker dropdown The Journey Tracker will tag them all together as a batch if you choose the same identifier for the selected guides. This enables you to create multiple Journey Trackers by defining different identifiers and categorizing them appropriately. For example, some guides will be part of Journey Tracker A, and some guides will be part of Journey Tracker B.

  3. Journey sequences can be defined by assigning a number in the Order in journey field. The smaller the number, the higher the priority

Note: Consider assigning a negative number to increase the priority. For example, -1 would have higher priority than +5. If you have created multiple Journey Trackers, you can sort them in the Adopt Context Help widget by defining a number for Order in the journey. The lower number gets listed higher.

  1. Create rules, such as if you want Journey Tracker visibility to depend on an element on the same page; a. Select the Include guide in Journey Tracker when the element is present box b. Click Reselect to choose an element

This way, the Journey Tracker will only be visible when the chosen element is visible.

Note: For further information, refer to Adopt’s Rule Engine Possibilities guide to learn how to create rules that will define when, for whom, with which dependencies the guides will be visible.

  1. Save your changes

The Journey Tracker will then be visible to the application users and visitors. The users or visitors can now track their progress via the Journey Tracker.

Note: As the Context help is not visible while the Adopt Editor is running, you should turn off the editor to see Context Help in Agent Mode. To do this, click the checkmark icon in the Guide Settings.

Managing a Journey

As explained above, you can create multiple Journey Trackers by defining different Journey Tracker identifiers and categorizing them appropriately. As in, you can include some guides that will be part of ”Journey Tracker Example A,” and some guides will be part of ”Journey Tracker Example B. ” To create such Journey Tracker Identifiers:

  1. Sign in to the Management Console with your credentials

  2. Click on the name of the Space you want to work on

  3. Click Journeys from the menu pane on the left

  4. Click the + Create Journey button

  1. Provide an appropriate Title for the new Journey Tracker identifier

  2. Choose an Action after journey is complete from the dropdown. No action means that the Journey Tracker will disappear once the journey is complete , or you can choose to leave the journey tracker visible

  3. Choose an Action after a tour in a journey is complete from the dropdown. No action means that the Journey Tracker will remain visible, or you can choose to open Context Help

  4. Click the Create button

Note: There will be a Your journey was created message in the bottom right corner of the screen

Deleting a Journey

  1. Sign in to the Management Console with your credentials

  2. Click on the name of the Space you want to work on

  3. Click Journeys from the menu pane on the left

  1. Confirm the deletion by clicking Delete

  1. If you change your mind, select Cancel to stop the deletion

Note: You will see a message confirming the deletion on the bottom right corner of the screen

Last updated